“Ros has the power to fire imagination, co-create laughter and fun in an atmosphere of safety and warmth. Her classes are so uplifting, easily accessible and I had a truly magical time at them. Sign up, your inner kids will love you for it.” – Lucy G, Contact Improv Retreat, 2024
“Ros, last night’s class was an absolute joy, thank you so so much! The connectivity and play was great, an absolute tonic. Loved every minute.” – Emma Cole, Peredur Centre, East Grinstead, 2023.
Moving Mandalas
Would you like to combine movement with creating your own, unique and personal mandala? In these workshops, I blend the freedom of moving the body with the freedom of movement on paper to bring out the most glorious surprises from all participants. No experience in art is necessary and you don’t need to be a skilled mover or dancer either. All that is required is a willingness and desire to tap into your own intuition and enjoy the revelations that emerge!
I LOVE teaching this workshop. It fills me with the utmost joy to see such a spectrum of unexpected creations appearing from each different participant, revealing beautiful, subconscious parts on paper and through the body that wish to be expressed. It’s always fascinating and highly uplifting for everyone in the room.
These workshops can be booked by request for private events, such as social gatherings, ceremonies and birthday parties (please contact me regarding costs, which depend on location and number of participants) or to sign up to my mailing list for upcoming public workshop dates.

Recent Workshops
with Kayla McClellen and Rosalind Parker
This 3-hour workshop for Shapes in Motion will start with Kayla leading Double Skin/Double Mind – a dance method developed by Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten to discover the sensitivity of the body and to make it available for the creative process through four basic principles: Breathing, Jumping, Expanding and Reducing.
Moving seamlessly into Contact Improvisation, Ros will then lead the group from awareness of skinesphere to kinesphere to group connectedness, creating space for the intuitive movements of weight-sharing, travel, and dance in duos, trios and more.
This workshop is suitable for actors, dancers and performers of all levels of experience.

Imaginal Playground Workshops
Ros runs Imaginal Playground movement workshops for actors and non-actors, mainly in the UK.
The Imaginal Playground: A physical theatre improvisation workshop. A journey into improvised play and performance through both verbal and non-verbal expression, weaving together aspects of clowning, movement and shamanic dance, visualisations and chorus work to create a playground of entertainment and discovery.
Participants learn to work in presence as individuals, graduating into pairs, small groups and eventually as a whole group collective.

“Rich, fresh, playful and creative! A really well held space with clear instructions and a variety of playful exercises/ techniques. I eased into it very quickly and loved everyone else’s contribution and expression.” – Karolina, Emerging Hearts CI Camp, 2024
“Thanks to your technique, I felt completely relaxed yet alert and comfortable to let go and physically go where the body wanted to go.” – Rob, Identity Drama School
Spinal Warm-up Exercise
Try this gentle spinal warm-up exercise.
Warming up the spine is crucial when we begin a movement workshop. This loosens up the body as a whole, preparing you for the enjoyment of fluid movement, releasing tension and bringing you into the present moment – ready to play!
“This class was just amazing. In our daily life we are so tense and thinking too much! It was nice and relaxing to use all our muscles and release the tension. I learned so much about my breathing, trust and body language! I will definitely use my yoga routine for scene preparations!” – Nathalie T, Identity Drama School
“I wish the time spent being taught by Ros would have exceeded 3 weeks! I have just begun “loosening up” in every way regarding movement.” – Camera Letek, Identity Drama School
“Great lessons in connecting to body and being in the moment! All done in such a short space of time! Thank you so much!” – Reena, Identity Drama School
Solo Contact Improvisation Exercise
Try this as a solo Contact Improvisation exercise:
The hands or wrists move continuously and must always be in contact with the body or the ground. See where this takes you.
Before coming into contact with dance and movement partners in a workshop, it really helps to connect with your own body, with the ground and with the space around you. This exercise can be a great meditative practice to bring you into presence and awareness.
“Really enjoyed the movement classes – learnt some techniques that have made me more aware of my own body and acting.” – Tomi, Identity Drama School
“Lovely class, especially enjoyed the yoga and how the physical movement responses linked in with Meisner technique. Brill!” – Kai, Identity Drama School
“Thank you so much for the class. It showed me how to relax and also taught me control over my body. Brilliant class. Always leave sweating!” – Chris, Identity Drama School
“It has been great! I’ve improved my flexibility greatly from doing your class once a week. More aware and in tune. You are awesome.” – Shaneen, Identity Drama School
“BRILLIANT. Loved the tune from The Matrix. Loved expressing myself.” – Mel A, Identity Drama School